Monday, November 26, 2007

We can't get enough IMC!

Although classes keep us busy, most IMC students just can't get enough of marketing and become involved in activities outside of the classroom. There are many student committees in which students are actively involved:

Social Committee- Helps plan events for IMC students to socialize and escape the stress of grad school! Our most recent event was at North Beach, with indoor sand volleyball courts, basketball, etc.
Student Advisory Council- Represents the interests and concerns of the students to Medill and Northwestern administration
Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications- A student-managed and directed journal that contains articles, case studies and academic research written by industry professionals. Want more info? Visit
Professional Speakers Series- Invites marketing connumications professions to speak to IMC students. Speakers so far this quarter include: Ogilvy, Google, MARCUSA, Fleishman-Hillard, DunnHumby, Weber Shandwick and Don Schultz.
IMC Connections- Creates networking connections with marketing organizations, which students gain insights into future jobs and trends in the field
Orientation/Graduation Committee- Works with the Office of Student Life in the planning of orientation and graduation events.
Branding Committee- Helps the administration improve the Medill and IMC brand both within the university and in the professional community
MASA (Medill Asian Students Association)- Our most recently formed committee, hosts events and discusses the Asia trip that takes place at the end of the summer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, if only the MSJ program had a social committee last year!